Aida Castelblanco

Every time I look at the sky, I imagine what my life would look like if I lived among the stars. Using primarily pencil, charcoal and conte crayon, I depict outer space as I imagine it; sometimes hopeful, sometimes ghostly, outer space to me is an unexplored home to unrecognizable, somewhat uncanny environments and organisms. There is endless possibility to outer space because there’s no template, aside from our own knowledge of how the world works, to guide our thinking. The thrill of this endless possibility is what motivates me to create art and what I hope to capture in my drawings.

Aida Castelblanco is an artist and chemist from Los Angeles, California She just graduated with a B.A. in Chemistry last year and is currently working at an environmental chemistry lab while continuing to draw in her spare time. Over the past few years, Aida has been combining her love of chemistry, space, and art through her drawings of imagined planets an sceneries. Her future goals are to continue to create pieces that capture the wonder and beauty of space as well as to return to school to earn an advanced degree in chemistry.


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