Natascha Varona

Natascha Varona is a Miami based Ph.D. student and artist. She is a marine scientist/microbial ecologist and studies how aquatic viruses influence their environment, specifically in coral reefs and lakes. While studying something that can be conceptually hard to grasp or visualize, she found art to be a powerful tool of communication. For her art, she uses media ranging from watercolor, acrylic, digital, and sometimes even bacteria. She has since made many art contributions to communicating science, such as children's book illustrations, science art galleries, art competitions, and more. Her aim is to keep bridging gaps between science and communication using art. Other than being a science nerd and passionate artist, she also loves cheese. When she is not busy conducting research or eating cheese, she’s open to taking commissions.

You can contact her at


Giuseppe Galletta


Lynn Albert and Nicholas Betz