Mark Neyrinck

Local Sheet Pretzel (Milky Way at Center)

The Local Sheet is, in my opinion, an underappreciated "congalaxation" (like a constellation, except made of stars instead of galaxies): the dozen or so large galaxies within 6 Mpc of the Milky Way. I have made various representations of it, including an origami one with particular physical significance. These give tactile, physical form for this sheet, with an educated guess about where the nearby filaments in the Universe are. The digital photo shows "4 Cosmoldogists", four (one in each color) different slime-mold guesses about where filaments are that join the same arrangement of galaxies.

Mark Neyrinck is a cosmologist, art/visualizer, and data scientist, with a PhD from the University of Colorado, who has had various research positions around the world, and lives currently in Denver, Colorado.


Lynn Albert and Nicholas Betz


Jeremy Ferris