Mara Leite

My passion lies at the intersection of two vast frontiers: the microbial worlds within extreme environments here on Earth and the celestial views beyond our planet. As an astrobiologist, I am fascinated by the microbial life thriving in the most unforgiving corners of our planet— hot springs, ice caves, and arid lands, among others.

But my gaze also extends beyond our blue marble. As an astrophotographer, I capture the majesty of the cosmos, particularly the beauty of our galaxy. These images of the night sky are a constant reminder of the scale of the universe and the countless worlds waiting to be discovered. My photographs are, therefore, a marriage of these dual passions. I translate the textures, colours, and patterns of extremophiles and their environments into visual narratives that evoke the feeling of standing in an alien world. Ultimately, my art is a meditation on life's resilience. By capturing the beauty of life on Earth, even in the most extreme conditions, I hope to spark a sense of wonder about the variety of life on our planet and what might exist elsewhere.

Mara is a scientist and landscape photographer passionate about extreme environments and astrophotography thanks to her multidisciplinary scientific background, which includes a master's degree in microbiology and a PhD in astrobiology focused on future crewed exploration of Mars. Mara has over a decade of experience in photography and has captured breathtaking images in some of the most demanding locations - from active volcanoes to ice caves. Mara's work has been featured in esteemed publications like National Geographic and has garnered acclaim in top-tier photography competitions. Notably, in 2021, Mara made history as the first female winner of the U.K. Landscape Photographer of the Year competition.


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