Emma Pearce

By day Emma studies children with lung disease, and by night they create art. Emma is a twenty-four year old researcher living and working in San Francisco, California. When they are not analyzing data for their scientific projects, they paint, sculpt, and collage for creative projects. Many of Emma’s artistic creations center around some aspect of space; the science and mythos surrounding humans looking up and out is a consistent theme throughout their work.

On a Moonbeam

On a Moonbeam captures the feeling of lying down and gazing up at the night sky. However, this particular night sky is not so similar to the one on Earth. I wanted to imagine what an alien moon might look like through an atmosphere dissimilar to our own. The spray of colors highlights the fanciful nature of imagination.

Sprinkle of Stars

When I was young, I often looked up at the sky and made up stories. Unknowingly, I joined an ancient tradition of combining human imagination with the cosmos. One of the many stories I thought of was one where the moon, wearing a billowing cape of the softest cloud, sprinkled the stars through the night sky. I created this piece inside of an antique mirror compact so I can hold the story in my own hands.

Celestial heads, Big Coats

Although reverence and awe are usually the primary emotions I feel when look up at the sky and consider space, sometimes silliness is also present. “Celestial heads, big coats” is a way of bringing together my inherent whimsy and love of the vast unknown. Putting a face and body to stars, planets, and the like allows for a connection on a more personal level.



Donavon Brutus


Ranger Liu