Cybelle Collins

Ready (2024)

A sense of self can go past our species and beyond life, sharing electricity. To love both the known and unknown enables the process of becoming. Other people were a mystery for me when I was a child and I taught myself to draw faces, trying to see the beauty in everyone. Then I wanted to draw fire and smoke, and the connections between life, spirit and substance. Patterns continue in the dark, in the interior space where electrons flow. And patterns continue past our planet in different shades of time, moving along paths of energy. In this is a choice to belong to everything & nothing; infinite webs can be the clearest path forward.

Cybele draws and researches biogeochemical cycles: molecules and microorganisms involved in greenhouse gases and subsurface ecosystems. Before research, they established Providence Books Through Bars, made comics and played frenzied violin with the band Dreamhouse, then as Blueshift. Since research, these wandering drawings became necessary. They work in the Cardace and Moseman-Valtierra labs at the University of Rhode Island and the Parenteau lab at NASA Ames.



Jack Madden