Aurora Pavlish-Carpenter

As an asexual woman, I have always related to the feeling of being alien, or othered, and never felt like I quite belong to life on Earth. Women’s bodies and sexuality have become increasingly more commodified, and it has been difficult to separate my value and worth from my sexuality. In this same way, nature has also been commodified and valued only for its usefulness. I feel that, as an historically functional object, the vessel has the potential to relate the connection between the commodification of sexuality and life on earth. Ceramics as a medium has the power to travel through time as archeological objects, and any work we create today should take the future into consideration.

Aurora Pavlish-Carpenter is a ceramic artist creating objects, sculptures, and installations at the intersections of science, feminism, and speculative futures. She is currently pursuing a Master of Fine Arts in Studio Art at the University of Central Florida. Aurora PavlishCarpenter’s work has been shown in exhibitions throughout the United States and has received scholarships/fellowships from Pocosin Arts School of Fine Craft, Penland School of Craft, Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts and Haystack Mountain School of Crafts.


Priscilla Carrion


Jermia Powell